Lower Arroyo Archery Range Re-Opens Saturday, May 16, 2020

According to this page on the city’s website: https://www.cityofpasadena.net/parks-and-rec/featured-news/recreation-amenity-guidance-covid-19/, the range is officially open today, Saturday May 16, 2020.

You must adhere to these restrictions and safety guidelines:

Archery Range and Casting Pond (opening Saturday, May 16)

  • Face coverings will be required at all times.
  • Physical distancing of 6 feet is required all times.
  • Facility operator shall place delineators at sport stations to create a 6-foot distance between participants.
  • Private lessons will be allowed while practicing physical distancing. There shall be no group lessons involving more than 2 people.


  • Practice physical distancing and provide at least six feet of space at all times.
  • Face coverings should be worn to protect others – even when exercising – as long as your airflow is not restricted.
  • Do not gather in groups.
  • Gather with members of the same household only.
  • Do not visit public trails and trailheads if feeling sick and/or exhibiting any symptoms of illness.
  • Follow all posted regulations on trails and at trailheads.
  • Communicate with others as you pass. Alert one another when passing by and allow room to safely pass.
  • Bring water, hand sanitizer, and/or disinfecting wipes to wash or sanitize hands frequently.
  • Users must take their trash with them to protect other trail users, wildlife, and staff.

If you have questions, or if you observe a violation, you can request information or submit a complaint through the Citizen Service Center. Call 626-744-7311 or visit https://www.cityofpasadena.net/CSC.

Thank you and stay safe!